Friday, May 15, 2009

its a BOY!!

Yup, He's a boy!! Brandon &  I went in for an ultra sound last Friday when I was 19 weeks along. Everything is good, he's healthy, has 10 toes & 10 fingers, weighs 9oz, & likes to move around a lot. We took my Grandma Jesser with so she could see & she had the best time ever, it was so cute! She's never seen an ultra sound before since they didn't have them back then so this was amazing to her & I loved sharing it with her. They relied on the old needle on a string method to find out if it was a boy or a girl which I'd sort of like to try, just for fun to see if it works.
Ahhh! he just kicked me or something, I SAW it right now! I'm listening to the music on Alyssa's blog & he started moving around a lot so I pulled up my shirt & BUMP, my tummy moved a little!!!! I bet he likes the music :)  Well anyways, 
they took some 3D pictures for us which are so cool. Here you can really see him, he would put his knees up to his face & then open his mouth like he was going to try to eat them, Silly boy. 
He looks a little like Brandon already if you ask me.
Well we haven't picked out any first names yet but his middle name will be Michael after Brandon's dad. We kind of like Troy for a first name but we're not sure yet. I want to look around more & see what else we like. Now I am 20 weeks, 5 months already! It's going by pretty fast but I can't wait until he is here. My tummy is starting to grow a lot, it feels bigger every day, and especially after I eat a meal lol. It's funny cause I 
can tell strangers are start to notice like at work & stuff but they won't say anything they just give you a funny little smile. Well I need to put a picture of my tummy up here before my mom has a cow!! This is from Alyssa's birthday when I was 19 weeks. I need to take a better on cause you can't tell so much here & it's a little bigger now :)

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