Thursday, June 18, 2009

little kicker

He kicks & moves so much now, I love it! It's my favorite part!!

Well... there really has not been much to write about lately. We went to the Doctor but we didn't get an ultra sound so no new pictures this time :( She said that everything is going good though. I had to drink the sugary drink. It wouldn't have been so bad except they gave me fruit punch & I really don't like that stuff.

So I think we have a name picked out for sure ..... Troy! Both Brandon & I really like it & we tried looking for other ones but none of them seemed right. Its all going by really fast though with picking out names & just getting ready. I went & registered last week. On Tuesday I went with Bobbie & Mihai to Target. It was a lot of fun getting to pick stuff out & Mihai was so excited! she kept going ahead of us & bringing things back she thought we needed & telling us we didn't need to register for somethings we could just buy them now :) Then on Saturday I went with my Mom & Jenna to Babies R us. Mom loved it, she wanted to scan everything but its her first grand baby so I wouldn't expect any less excitement ;) oh & they gave us a really stupid scanner, half the time I couldn't get it to work & I had to have Jenna use her scanning skills!!

I'm starting to get our room ready too, like packing up stuff I don't need & then I'm going to have Brandon rearrange it so we can put the Bassinet in there & stuff. It's all so exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Have you thought of..perhaps.. Emmanuel? Northrop? Guillermo? Egbert? Cromwell?

    Or..Tompana? (that one was the Google word verification it made me type in.)

    Just throwing some suggestions out there.

    <3 M
