Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Baby Bump

So I guess I need to put some more pictures up here for you guys. I wish I had ultra sound pics but these should do for now :)

This is at 23 weeks. I was checking out the new shade Brandon was building over his garden. Since I'm growing a baby he's growing a garden :) & I have to show you all a picture of it cause it's really nice!

Then last weekend (at 26 weeks) I got to go have lunch with my Mom, Stephy, & Marta. We had lots of fun catching up & telling old stories. Stephy could not get enough of the baby bump & they all actually got to feel him kick! Lucky cause he doesn't do that for many people ;)


  1. Two things..
    One, the garden thing is SUCH a flippin' cute idea. I said "aw" out loud.
    Two, you look way too adorable in a dress with that bump.
    AND, we need to take pictures. Preferably before he pops out. But then some after, too.
    (OK, three things.)

  2. lol, ok sounds great! We can do it when ever you want to :)
