Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Almost There!!

I can't believe he is almost here!!! I'm a little nervous still but mostly excited!!
So last Friday I went back to the Dr. & she said that not much had changed. I guess we weren't moving along as fast as we thought. One thing was they always measure my tummy when I'm laying down & this time I measured less than I had the week before. She said that usually means that the baby has dropped more which it looked like he had, but she wanted to get an ultra sound just to check the fluids & his weight. They were too busy in her office so they sent me over to the hospital to get it done. The ultra sound lady didn't really tell me anything, she just took a lot of pictures & measured things. But I did find out that he is head up.... I was a little surprised since I thought he'd already turned down but I guess not. So we'll see how it goes.
I think I'm having more contractions now. Some times I'm not sure if its really a contraction or what. Everyone is starting to guess when it will happen, my mom says he'll be late but Alyssa says this Sunday... I hope sooner than later cause I'm ready for this part to be done, but it's all up to him now.
Oh & here is a picture at almost 38 weeks!! This Friday it will be 39, AHH!

1 comment:

  1. How Cute! If I may guess I think he will make his debut the day of or the day after Grandmas b-day! We will just have to see who is right!
