Saturday, September 26, 2009

& next week...BABY!

I spend most my Friday afternoons at the Dr since we go every week but yesterday should be the last one before his big day! We talked to the Dr about how Troy is not head down. Troy seems to think he can just come out butt first, so the Dr told us what options we had....

Option 1. They would have me come into the hospital on a scheduled day. They'd give me an epidural & 2 doctors would try to turn Troy from the outside >_< So there are a couple of complications with that. I could go into labor right away which wouldn't really be bad since we're there anyways. He might just flip right back around anyways. He could get stressed out, my uterus could rip, or the placenta could come unattached & then we'd need an emergency delivery. None of that sounded very good to me & they said its not that big a chance that any of it would happen but even if we tried this there would be a 50% chance that I would have to get a c-section anyways since I'm so close to my due date.

Option 2. Schedule a c-section.

So we decided on not taking the risk & just scheduling the c-section. They said it would be this next week & they would call on Monday to tell us what day. I was a little overwhelmed when we left the Dr. cause I always imagined that I'd just do this the normal way. Not that I really have anything against a c-section, I knew I would get one if I had to, it was just sort of different knowing I would have one for sure. But I'm ok with it now & I'm more excited than worried, at least I will know what day & long as I don't go into labor before then!!


  1. I cant wait to see my baby nephew.

  2. How exciting! I didn't mind having Destyne and Kain c-section, I was kinda glad I didn't have to go through all the painful pushing. Recovery really isn't that bad either. I can't wait to see the baby!
    ♥ ya
