Thursday, March 26, 2009

I had to go to the doctor today just to finish the first trimester tests, So we got some new pictures :) In the top picture the baby turned its head but showed us its little hand again. & During the visit the baby had the hic-ups! It was so cute to see it bouncing around! They also
    said they might be able to tell if the baby is a boy or a girl!!! BUT some very stubborn baby was not having that. Baby kept its legs crossed the whole time and was pretty much staying in the same position. So there was  no way of telling, but hopefully next time we'll find out :D So to the left here you can see the baby sticking its legs out but still keeping the feet crossed of course. 

Now, when I'm talking about my baby I like to call the baby "he" cause that's what I think, but I don't know & everyone always assumes I've found out for sure. So I say "it" & then everyone is like "oh don't call the baby "it" but what should I say? I can't really talk about the baby without saying it he or she :) Anyways to the right is a Valentine Day card that Mihai made for the baby. I thought you would all like to see it cause its so cute!

As of now, I am 13 weeks & I'm due October 2nd So I'll keep you all updated!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Say Hello

This is our little Baby :) !!! 

We went to the doctor on Friday & we got to really see our baby for the first time! You can see the little face & the baby put its hand up in front of its face so just to the left you can see little finger prints :D The baby was moving around so much & it was so cute to watch! The bad part about the doctor visit was that I found out I lost too much weight. I was so sick these past few months I had a hard time keeping food down. I lost 5 + lbs. So that was really not good but since about last week or so its been getting better. I can eat more little meals & I don't get sick very much so I'm happy that is behind me. I'm starting to get cravings too. Its started with bagels & cream cheese & captain crunch. Yesterday at work I had to have one of our soft pretzels, it was so good though!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Surprise :)

On February 6 Brandon's sister Heather brought me a test home from the Doctors office she works at, just in case. I'd been feeling a little sick and was about a week late but i didn't really think anything of it. But surprise, it was positive!!

It wasn't planned but Brandon & I are very excited. We went to the doctor on Feb 13th. We had the first ultrasound & heard the heart beat. It was so amazing to see it & to actually hear the little heart beat. So here is our first picture of our little baby!!

So far, not much has been going on. I get sick, A LOT. But it will all be worth it in the end. I don't know why they call it morning sickness though, its more like all the time/when ever it wants sickness.

My friend Chelsea kind of gave me the idea for this blog, she said I needed a baby on the way album or something so everyone can get monthly updates of my pooch lol, so I don't have a very noticeable tummy yet but I'll keep you all in the know :)